NUYTSIA INDEX TO VOLUME 15 2002-2005 Royal Botanic Gardens | Melbourne 19 JAM 2097 - LIBRARY WESTERN AUSTRALIAN HERBARIUM DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA ISSN 0085-4417 NUYTSIA INDEX TO VOLUME 15 EDITOR A.R. Chapman ASSISTANT EDITOR B.L.Rye EDITORIALBOARD T.D. Macfarlane N.G. Marchant B.S. Mahon (Editorial Assistant) Dates of Publication: Number | pages 1-156 6 December 2002 Number 2 pages 157-330 16 December 2004 Number3 pages 33 1-530 16 December2005 INDEXTO VOLUME 15 Main Papers ALBRECHT, D.E. New species and notes on central Australian Goodenia (Goodeniaceae) .........seeeeeeeeees 1 BROOKER, M.I.H. AND SLEE, A.V. Eucalyptus conglobata subsp. perata (Myrtaceae), a new taxon from southern Western Australia and notes on E. series Rufisperme ...ccccccccccssesescssesseseseeseeseseeeees 157 CONRAN, J.G., LOWRIE, A. AND MOYLE-CROFT, J. A revision of Byblis (Byblidaceae) in SOUtH=WestermpeAUStralidvestrsiiciccsttrtcmtectigtciscsescerisiiaeresérsstersertsrsaerersteteetiiireeristinttiststsesreteresiaireescise 11 COWIE, I.D. New species and lectotypifications of some reticulate-nerved Tephrosia (Fabaceae) from north-west Australia and the genus Paratephrosia re-evaluated ........ccccsccssesesseseseeseeseseeeesceeeneeeenees 163 CRANFIELD, R.J. Conostephium magnum (Epacridaceae), a new species from Western Australia ............. 21 CRANFIELD, R.J. Grevillea bipinnatifida subsp. pagna (Proteaceae), a new subspecies from SOULD=WestMW CStCIMEA UStrallamereretenstttrectesttrretteertitesricrteent tiers Tweet eererie rent ieerereetr teeth aerettes CRANFIELD, R.J. Lichen Census of Western Australia CRANFIELD, R.J. Two new species of Brachyloma (Epacridaceae) from the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia cog shan xpaggavenngayr3 toy yx Peters rey ees Zara as DEPTS PED BeOS 331 DAVIS, R.W. Two new species of Prilotus (Amaranthaceae) from Western Australia .........ccccccsseeeeseeeeees 221 DIXON, D.J. A comparison of the leaf anatomy of Ficus subpuberula, F. atricha, and igs brachypoda (NOLaACeae) purncmerriste rirtierreett rteetrectsiecrentrtstertrermreerettsrttetectrs reteereesrnrrensreresTtsrrerrst ttt 27 GEORGE, A.S. Further new taxa in Dryandra R.Br. (Proteaceae : Grevilleoideae) ....... cc eeeseeeseseeeeeeseeees 337 HOPPER, S.D. AND WARDELL-JOHNSON, G. Ezicalyptus virginea and E. relicta (Myrtaceae), two new rare forest trees from south-western Australia allied to £. lane-poolei, and a new Phantomshy brid semester cette tiers etrterssccrcstreetrteersitistricer ter ttesterrstiertersss 227 KEIGHERY, G.J. A new species of Blennospora (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Swan and Scot @oastaliplains:ofaw esternea Ustraliawierstrttecrstrenstcerencensrtrtttietuittamerceretttecret eertersrstrerdrersearserts KEIGHERY, G.J. A review of the genus Pileanthus (Myrtaceae) KEIGHERY, G.J. Two new species of Comesperma (Polygalaceae) from Western Australia .........eeeeee 53 KEIGHERY, G.J. A new species of Bulbine (Asphodelaceae) from Western Australia ...........cceeeeeseeeees 241 KEIGHERY, G.J. A taxonomic review of the genus Agrostocrinum (Phormiaceae) KEIGHERY, G.J. Taxonomic notes on the Angianthus drummondii complex (Asteraceae : Gnaphaliinae) KEIGHERY, G.J. Taxonomy of the Calytrix ecalycata complex (Myrtaceae) ......c.ccsssecsssseesseeteeeeseseseseseeess 261 KEIGHERY, G.J. AND MUIR, W. Reinstatement of Burchardia congesta (Colchicaceae) ...........1eee 347 LEPSCHI, B.J., TRUDGEN, M.E. AND VAN LEEUWEN, S.J. Two new species of Dampiera (Goodeniaceae) from the Pilbara region, Western Australia .......c..cccccccccscssscssessscseesescscssescseseseeseacseseeeeeses 269 LOWRIE, A. Drosera pedicellaris (Droseraceae), a new species from south-west Western Australia Jontiiriti ietina thai theta erie tse arp ee aire ered ee A eae eee 59 LOWRIE, A. A taxonomic revision of Drosera section Stolonifera (Droseraceae) from south-west WestermpAlstrallayencrrstscrticcreietiertiesrterertirtesret cterttrsrereri ste etree Tee Hetetesee: 355 MCQUOID, N.K. AND HOPPER, S.D. Eucalyptus calyerup (Myrtaceae), a new species of possible hybrid origin from south-western Australia .......cccccccccscscsessssescsescsscscscsesscscscsceseacscsesscseseneeeeerseees 63 NICOLLE, D. A revision of Eucalyptus series Calcicolae (Myrtaceae) from the south coast of WeESterneA UStlallaWerseesssstest: cemestteeriststersrstertesrs teerererstter tirtetrerrertittetsstesenttertr street Crtnt teernivrrstresterticentscsstess 69 NICOLLE, D. Two new species of silver mallet (Eucalyptus - Myrtaceae) of very restricted distribution in south-western Western Australia NICOLLE, D. A rare and endangered new subspecies of Eucalyptus sargentii (Myrtaceae) with high potential for revegetation of saline sites from south-western Australia and notes on ES diminuta,and(Eysargentisubspsfallenseivniysctistisrtneciessnsittttiesitiesersetitentie stents 395 NICOLLE, D. AND BROOKER, M.I.H. Re-assessment of the saline-dwelling Eucalyptus spathulata complex (Myrtaceae) from southern Western Australia ........ccceeeeeeseesesssessestseseseseseneeeeees 403 OLDE, P.M. AND MARRIOTT, N.R. One new Banksia and two new Grevillea species (Proteaceae: Grevilleoidede) fromiWesterm Australiat irc. :cytercetecreseserateriestcessestetratscsetttcesesetutcsssestessetere? 85 ORCHARD, A.E., LEPSCHI, B.J. AND HISLOP, M. New taxa, a new record and a rediscovery injWestern'A ustralian' Haloragis (Haloragaceae) mraciantectiiersrsnmrceniirtteitrtcmm rte 431 RYE, B.L. A revision of the south-western Australian species of Micromyrtus (Myrtaceae) with five/antisepalousiribs onstheihypanthium hrsrrviscreesttiescessesseeesesetereearseceeseeereeeernectrttsrsetrsr gtsteertreitiiiete 101 RYE, B.L. A taxonomic review of Dicrastylis sect. Corymbosae (Lamiaceae: Chloantheae), incorporatine Mallophoraias:a Mew SYNONYM trrniiecyticeessthteiserioeti eet erst i irrtanttiey 445 RYE, B.L. AND HISLOP, M. A taxonomic update of Petrophile sect. Arthrostigma (Proteaceae) ............. 457 RYE, B.L. AND TRUDGEN, ME. A new heterocarpidic fruit type for the Myrtaceae, with dehiscent and indehiscent loculi, in two genera from WA ......c.cccsccscssesessesseccscsseseesesceseescsseseecseeseeeessenenees 485 SAGE, L.W. Scaevola ballajupensis (Goodeniaceae), a new species from the Jarrah forest of south-western 2A ustralia® 2... Rien. .2r cl ae aire en ee ee ee ee 123 SAGE, L.W. AND DIXON, K.W. Goodenia pedicellata (Goodeniaceae), a new species from the Rilbara bioregion ofiWesterntAustraliamrenssensenclicrsterttrrisesssrssresisciesietstarterter tater rrereett tte 513 TRUDGEN, M.E. AND RYE, B.L. Astus, a new Western Australian genus of Myrtaceae with heterocarpidicsfriltswrseecs-catcssersececes rier ree teses rretetommeeces reer seenersec terres stestectartee ep entTeTTe oan TnTT eat reeTeeTereTT 495 WHEELER, J.R. A revision of Hibbertia depressa and its allies (Dilleniaceae) from WesternsAustraliaeteiiieyatestiacsettscetetasseresdeltenisetesetisnsistersedatepetacetsteertitesia deere etter ere teiie eer 127 WHEELER, J.R. Miscellaneous new species of Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) from the wheatbelt and pastoral/areas ofpWesterntAustraliawrrccessctesersssiirsteterstiessieteeiteicervaieeeesioeiererstisteeeseetmterten ore etinttet 139 WHEELER, J.R. A review of Hibbertia hemignosta and its allies (Dilleniaceae) from WesterntA ustralia =: Sees le te Se Rr ae ee See ah eee eer Sent epee rere 277 WHEELER, J.R. Miscellaneous new Hibbertia species (Dilleniaceae) from the south coast and adjacentiinteriorofswesterniA ustraliaty serene sin reteseartiitecsspetctisieeetesta eetrteartenvertstisctisepreer eters WHEELER, J.R. An interim key to the Western Australian species of Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) WILKINS, C.F. Rulingia borealis, a new combination based on R. malvifolia var. borealis (Malvaceaest/sorsterculiaceae) memnerite nitrate reterstesstirirtecem tisiacirrrrecrirteratsnes 517 Short Communications BYRNE, M. Recognition of Eucalyptus quaerenda at specific rank oo... ceeeeeeeesesssesessesesssesesssesssesescscsesssesees 321 KEIGHERY, G.J. New and noteworthy plant species recognised as naturalised in WesternrA Ustraliaverertentistertietstteercrerststteterteit teiercsereentnteteet et istaitierne trey erra merrerrreteirttrriseriters rire? 523 LEWINGTON, M. Correction of type locality and flowering time for Melaleuca apostiba (Myrtaceae) mrtrereteecstttccctectettnrrtetettucsetter etncca trreteirastes etrtriererereettestteterterietereriettitrtisrestereerttt ttre RYE, B.L. Lectotypification of two Western Australian species of Micromyrtus (Myrtaceae) SNOW, N. A first report of Leptochloa panicea subsp. brachiata (Poaceae) from WESTEIDEA USUal lduaterestrerestttecssarsrttrese,srteteneent eessearttreeaeteen fecatterecte taeccnstestecrtercterserbeertseretrater striven terete 325